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BibSite Editorial Board

Comprised of the General Editor with a team of Editors, the BibSite Editorial Board will receive, evaluate and catalog submissions of content from the BSA community to the BibSite database, the organization’s free-to-use repository of resources for the study of bibliography. In pursuit of this mission, the team will work with authors and outside reviewers to correct and enhance submissions that do not meet site standards, including formatting and technical requirements. The Editors will periodically review, revise, develop and improve the BibSite frameworks and workflows.

The General Editor will also liaise with the Publications Committee and PBSA Editor(s) to seek out and, from time to time, supplement or support BSA publications using BibSite’s tools.

The terms and reappointments of members of this committee are governed by the guidelines in

Section 000 (“Committees and Working Groups”) of the BSA Policies and Procedures Manual.

The requirements for a quorum, voting, and for recording and distributing minutes are governed by Section 000 (“Committees and Working Groups”) of the BSA’s Policies and Procedures Manual.

Current Members

Eric Ensley, University of Iowa (General Editor)
Adriana Cásarez, University of Texas at Austin
Jamie Cumby, The Grolier Club
Jose C. Guerrero, Berkeley Public Library
Kate Ozment, Cal Poly Pomona
Emma M. Sarconi, Princeton University Library Special Collections