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BibSite Beta is Here!

The Bibliographical Society of America is delighted to announce the redesign and beta launch of BibSite, the Society’s open access resource for discovering and sharing bibliographical research and pedagogical materials at

Designed for scholars, instructors, professionals, and students of bibliography, in the broadest sense of the term, BibSite connects users to materials that can further their own research, teaching, and studies. Visit to search and browse a growing array of hosted and indexed materials.

This project was made possible by a grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.


What Can I Find On BibSite?
BibSite collocates hosted resources from contributors and indexed from across the Internet in a way that makes all its materials more readily discoverable than stand-alone items posted on a personal or institutional website. BibSite’s extensive metadata for every resource enhances discoverability in a crowded world wide web and provides a persistent URL (or permalink) for each contribution so that BibSite materials can be found and accessed through citations indefinitely. The BSA is committed to maintaining BibSite as an ongoing service to our community of teachers, students, and scholars across the professional spectrum.

Share Your Work on BibSite
People who study and work with textual objects can use BibSite to share their work as a hosted media file or as an indexed resource published elsewhere online. Syllabi, lesson plans, image sets, conference presentations, enumerative bibliographies, datasets, and other bibliographical materials are all welcome contributions. Learn more.

Creators who host content on BibSite retain all intellectual property rights through their choice of Creative Commons license. Hosting on BibSite also provides an easy way for users to use and cite your work, and creators can submit revised and updated materials at any time. 

Submissions are moderated but not peer-reviewed.

Share Resources Published Elsewhere
BibSite indexes existing websites useful for the study and teaching of bibliography. If you have already published your work in an accessible format elsewhere, BibSite will help make that content discoverable through BibSite.

Anyone can submit resources for indexing on BibSite.

Moderation and Editing
Resources (hosted and indexed) will be reviewed by the BibSite Editorial Board before posting in accordance with the BibSite Editorial and Moderation Policy

[Button for learning about Contributing:]

Brought to You By…
The redesign and relaunch of BibSite has been a long-term project and its success is due to the hard work of a team of BSA members, editors, and designers. We wish to thank Scott Ellwood (BibSite Project Manager), Erin McGuirl (Executive Director of the BSA), and the team of editors who will manage the repository following the redesign: Eric Ensley (General Editor), Adriana Cásarez (Editor), and Emma Sarconi (Editor).


Share your Your Feedback
We are relying on you to help us improve BibSite! By launching BibSite in beta, we recognize that there may be errors in data or glitches in the site that our team has not yet discovered. Please share your thoughts as to how we can improve and develop BibSite to best serve our community of users.

All questions and comments may be directed to: