Bibliography Week
Bibliography Week is an annual event held in January when the several national organizations devoted to book scholarship and the book arts, including BSA, the American Printing History Association, and the Grolier Club, have their annual meetings. BSA typically holds its annual meeting each year on the Friday of Bibliography Week.
This week-long series of events brings librarians, scholars, booksellers, collectors, and others to New York together to enjoy lectures, bookseller showcases, and more.
Can’t come to New York? No problem! Bibliography Week offers a blend of virtual, hybrid, and in-person events that are free and open to the public with registration. Most, but not all, other events are free and open to the public and some are accessible online.
To find out more about the next Bibliography Week, or Bibliography Weeks past, visit, a collaborative project between BSA and the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA).

Bibliography Week 2025 ↑
This BSA year’s events will be scheduled from 22 to 24 January 2025.
As in the past, the BSA will host its Annual Meeting & the New Scholars Program on Friday, 24 January. A lecture co-sponsored by the Center for Book Arts will be held there on Wednesday evening, and a mixer for BSA members and friends will be held at the New York Society Library on Thursday evening.
Sponsor Bibliography Week ↑
Become a sponsor of a BSA Bibliography Week Event and introduce yourself and your business to our broad audience of collectors, curators, scholars, and students!
As a BSA Annual Meeting or Bibliography Week Sponsor, your business will be featured prominently on registration pages and on Sponsorship opportunities start at $250: there are options available for every budget.
How to become a sponsor:
Peruse sponsorship options and select the one that suits you best.
If you wish to partner with another business for a session sponsorship or higher, organize that collaboration before processing your payment. Share that information in your payment form.
Pay online with your credit card with our secure form. Simply enter the amount of your sponsorship and confirm your choice in writing in the “Donor Restriction Information” field. You can also contact me ( to receive an invoice to pay by check or ACH.