Annual Meeting

At the BSA Annual Meeting, people excited to learn and share their knowledge about history and critical interpretation of material texts gather together from across professions and academic disciplines. The meeting has always been and remains free and open to the public with registration.

Held during Bibliography Week at the end of January each year, the Annual Meeting highlights cutting-edge work in the field of bibliographical studies with a keynote lecture by an established scholar in the field, along with a panel of presentations by emerging bibliographers as part of the New Scholars Program.

The BSA offers a blend of virtual, hybrid, and in-person events throughout Bibliography Week that are free and open to the public with registration. Consult last year’s calendar to get a sense of what you can expect during Bibliography Week.

Dates & Registration

Upcoming dates for Bibliography Week are:

  • 20–25 January 2025

  • 19–24 January 2026

  • 24–30 January 2027


Registration for the BSA Annual Meeting and all other Bibliography Week events is required; most events are free to attend. Please visit the Events Calendar for registration links, which are usually posted in December for January events.