Public Member Directory


Interested in speaking opportunities.


    • John Henry Adams 
      Special Collections Librarian
    • Mari Agata 
      Professor of Library and Information Science
    • Courtney Ahlstrom Christy 
      Certified Appraiser, Ahlstrom Appraisals LLC
    • Ali Al-Sowaine 
    • Benjamin Albritton 
      Rare Books Curator, Stanford Libraries
    • Martin Antonetti 
      Printer in Residence, Historic Deerfield
    • Anastasia Armendariz 
      Librarian for Special Collections and the Malibu Historical Collection, Pepperdine University
    • Amanda Awanjo 


    • Dr. Cathleen A. Baker 
      retired conservator; The Legacy Press publisher
    • Deborah Barnum 
    • Colleen Barrett 
      Rare Books Librarian, University of Kentucky
    • Mark Bartlett 
    • Virginia Bartow 
    • Lyuba Basin 
      Rare Books Curator, Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
    • Andreas Bassett 
      Ph.D. Candidate, University of Washington
    • Ralph Baylor 
    • Robert Beasecker 
      Curator, Rare Books & Distinguished Collections, Grand Valley State University Libraries
    • Rachel Beaver 
    • Xena Becker 
    • Terry Belanger 
    • Giulia Benghi 
    • Michael Benjamin 
    • R. Dyke Benjamin 
    • Stuart Bennett 
    • John Bidwell 
    • Barbara Bieck 
      Special Collections Librarian & Archivist, New York Society Library
    • Thomas Bird 
    • James P. Blanco 
      Senior Managing Director, Guggenheim Partners
    • Daniela Bleichmar 
    • Christina Bleyer 
    • Philip Blocklyn 
    • Nancy K Boehm 
      Nancy Boehm
    • Tad Boehmer 
      Curator of Rare Books, Michigan State University Libraries
    • Mathieu D.S. Bouchard 
      Faculty Member, Department of English, John Abbott College
    • Jolie Braun 
      Curator of Modern Literature and Manuscripts, The Ohio State University
    • Jean Brink 
    • William Brockman 
    • T. Kimball Brooker 
    • Bill Bryson 
      Independant Scholar
    • Shira Buchsbaum 
      Exhibitions Manager, The Grolier Club
    • Kelly Bullard 


    • Joel Cadbury 
    • Kenneth E. Carpenter 
      Independent Scholar
    • Clare Carroll 
      Professor, Comparative Literature and History, Queens College and The Graduate Center
    • Scott E. Casper 
      President, American Antiquarian Society
    • Bexx Caswell-Olson 
      Director of Book Conservation, Northeast Document Conservation Center
    • Ashley Cataldo 
      Curator of Manuscripts
    • John Chalmers 
    • Jeonghun Choi 
    • William Claspy 
    • G. Scott Clemons 
    • Grolier Club 
    • Heather Cole 
      Curator, John Hay Library, Brown University
    • Fletcher Coleman 
      Assistant Professor of Art History and Museum Studies, University of Texas at Arlington
    • Finch Collins 
      Assistant Curator of Rare Books
    • Meghan R. Constantinou 
      Private Curator, Boston MA
    • Megan Cook 
    • Hayley Cotter 
      Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    • Bruce J. Crawford 
      Bibliophile who is active in bibliophilic non-profit governance
    • Mary Crawford 
    • John Crichton 
    • Chris Cullnane 
    • Jamie Cumby 
      Librarian, The Grolier Club
    • Dr Sarah Cusk 
      Rare Books Librarian, Oxford University
    • Cynthia Cyrus 
      Professor of Musicology


    • Sophia Dahab 
    • Adele Davidson 
    • Christopher Decker 
    • Elizabeth Denlinger 
      Curator, Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle, NYPL
    • Paolo Dessy 
    • Debora Di Pietro 
      PhD student, University of Catania, Italy
    • Jeremy Dibbell 
      Special Collections Librarian, Binghamton University Libraries
    • Lindsay DiCuirci 
      Associate Professor of English, UMBC
    • Prof. Cristina Dondi 
      Secretary of CERL
    • Tamar Dougherty 
    • Erika Dowell 
      Associate Director, Lilly Library, Indiana University
    • Clara Drummond 
    • Caroline Duroselle-Melish 
      Curator and Associate Librarian, Folger Shakespeare Library


    • Lindsey Eckert 
      Associate Professor of English, Florida State University
    • Paul Eggert 
      Professor Emeritus. Loyola University Chicago & UNSW, Australia
    • Craig Eliason 
      Professor of Art History, University of St. Thomas
    • J. Eric Ensley 
      Curator of Rare Books & Maps, University of Iowa
    • Julie R Enszer 
      Instructional Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi
    • Philip B. Eppard 
      Professor of Information Science, University at Albany, SUNY
    • Nora Epstein 
    • Jesse Erickson 
      Morgan Library Astor Curator of Printed Books & Bindings
    • Benjamin Eskin Shapson 
      Independent Scholar and Job Seeker, San Francisco
    • Laura Estill 
    • Anne Evenhaugen 


    • Joseph J. Felcone 
      Rare book collector, bibliographer
    • Stephen Ferguson 
    • Liz Fischer 
    • Devin Fitzgerald 
    • Staffan Fogelmark 
    • Roland Folter 
    • Margaret Ford 
    • Arthur Fournier 
      ABAA member bookseller
    • Stephanie Frampton 
    • Mara Frazier 
      Assistant Professor The Ohio State University Libraries
    • Maria L. Fredericks 
      Sherman Fairchild Head of Conservation, Morgan Library & Museum
    • Joan Friedman 
    • Claudia Funke 


    • Vincent Gaitley 
    • John Garcia 
      Director of Scholarly Programs and Partnerships, American Antiquarian Society
    • Anne Garner 
    • Andrew Gaub 
      Bookseller, Bruce McKittrick Rare Books
    • Mary Gaudette 
    • Christina Geiger 
      Christie's, Head of Books & Manuscripts NY
    • Cynthia Gibson 
    • Erika Giddens 
    • Martin Glick 
    • Vincent Golden 
      Curator of Newspapers and Periodicals
    • Jacqueline Goldsby 
      Professor of English & African American Studies
    • James Goldwasser 
    • Charles Gosnell 
    • James Green 
    • Rachelle Grossman 
    • Jose Guerrero 
    • Roxanne Guidry 
    • Emily Guthrie 


    • Jack Hagstrom 
    • Gary Handler 
    • Peter Hanff 
    • Will Hansen 
    • Emiko Hastings 
      Curator of Books, William L. Clements Library
    • Earle A. Havens 
      Director, Virginia Fox Stern Center for the History of the Book, Johns Hopkins University
    • Elizabeth Hawley 
      E. Haven Hawley
    • Laura E. Helton 
      Assistant Professor of English and History, University of Delaware
    • Gwyn Hervochon 
    • Tom Hillard 
      Professor of English
    • James Hinz 
    • Adam Hooks 
      Associate Professor of English, University of Iowa
    • Sarah Horowitz 
      Head of Special Collections, Haverford College
    • Eve Houghton 
    • Frederic Howard 
    • Alexis Howlett 
      MSLIS Graduate Student & Special Collections Assistant
    • Leslie Howsam 
      Emerita Professor of History, University of Windsor.
    • Gina Hurley 
    • Huttner, Sidney F. 
      Senior Librarian Emeritus, The University of Iowa


    • Sujata Iyengar 
      Distinguished Research Professor in English, University of Georgia


    • R. Mark Jackson 
      Associate Professor of English, Angelo State University
    • Leah Johanson 
      Reference Librarian, New York Public Library
    • Anthony David Johnson 
      Pryor-Johnson Rare Books ABAA
    • Dr Michael Johnston 
    • Priti Joshi 


    • Linda Kahn 
    • S.C. Kaplan 
      Acting French Language Program Coordinator, UCSB
    • Kenneth Karmiole 
    • James Kelly 
      James R. Kelly
    • Elizabeth Kelly-Griswold 
    • Laura Kennedy Gilman 
      Independent Researcher and Cataloger; Owner, Well Done Books and Papers
    • Thomas Kenney 
    • Beth T Kilmarx 
      Assistant University Libarian
    • Arthur Kinney 
    • Dr. Mary Catherine Kinniburgh 
      Co-Owner, Granary Books
    • Wallace Kirsop 
    • Andras Kisery 
    • Cassia Kisshauer 
    • Rhiannon Knol 
    • Erika Knowles 
      Office Manager, Bernett Rare Books
    • Thomas Kohlwein 
      Writer and Editor
    • Marie Korey 
    • Freddy Kpeli 
    • Donald Krummel 
    • Jim Kuhn 
      Associate Director, Harry Ransom Center (UT Austin)


    • John Lancaster 
    • Jennifer Larson 
      Professor of Classics
    • Jane A Lawson 
    • Christopher Leary 
      Associate Professor of English, Queensborough Community College
    • Paul Leeker 
    • Sam Lemley 
      Curator of Special Collections, Carnegie Mellon University
    • Deborah J. Leslie 
      Senior Cataloger, Folger Shakespeare Library
    • Kirstyn Leuner 
      Santa Clara University
    • Jon Lindseth 
    • Richard A. Linenthal 
      Antiquarian Bookseller
    • Ryan Low 


    • David Macfarlane 
      Independent Scholar, Cambridge, UK
    • James MacKenzie 
    • Mary Jo Mahler Poburko 
    • Jeffrey Makala 
    • Alexander Malcolm 
    • Maya Marquardt 
      Library Page, New York Public Library
    • James Marrow 
    • Jeffrey Marshall 
    • Russell L. Martin III 
      Director, DeGolyer Library, SMU
    • Lisa Maruca 
      Associate Professor of English, Wayne State University
    • William Mason 
    • Mark Alan Mattes 
      Assistant Professor of English, University of Louisville
    • William Matthews 
      The Haunted Bookshop / William Matthews, Bookseller
    • James May 
    • Hope Mayo 
    • Meghan McCain 
      Library Manager, M.D. Anderson Library at the University of Houston; MLS Graduate Student, Concentration: Archival Studies and Imaging at the University of North Texas
    • Kelly McCay 
    • John McCusker 
    • Erin McGuirl, BSA Executive Director 
      Erin McGuirl
    • Elizabeth McHenry 
    • Kevin McKinney 
    • Bruce McKittrick 
    • Dr. Genevieve McNutt 
      Cataloger, B Street Books, California
    • Melanie Meyers 
      Chair, Collections and Engagement, AJHS
    • Laura Michelson 
    • Nicholas Mignanelli 
      Assistant Director for Reference, Lillian Goldman Law Library, and Lecturer in Legal Research, Yale Law School
    • John Miles 
    • Glen Miranker 
    • Breon Mitchell 
    • Robert D. Montoya 
      Associate Professor, Information Studies
    • Leslie Morris 
    • Donald N. Mott 
      Dealer in Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts
    • Carla Mulford 
    • Nina Musinsky 
    • Jeanne-Marie Musto 
      Librarian, New York Public Library


    • Nicholas D. Nace 
      Elliott Associate Professor of Rhetoric
    • Andrew Nadell 
    • Paul Needham 
    • Douglas Nelson 
      Nelson Rare Books, ABAA
    • Naomi Nelson 
    • Sarah Neville 
      Associate Professor, Ohio State University
    • Marissa Nicosia 
    • Karen Nipps 
      Independent Scholar
    • Kinohi Nishikawa 
      Associate Professor of English and African American Studies, Princeton University
    • Malcolm Noble 
    • Richard Noble 
    • Thomas Noriega 
      PhD Student, Harvard University Department of History
    • Dr. Corinna Norrick-R_hl 
      Professor of Book Studies, University of Muenster (Germany)
    • Michael North 


    • Heather O'Donnell 
      Owner, Honey & Wax Booksellers
    • Alex Obercian 
      Owner, Bull۪s Head Rare Books
    • Oleksandr Okhrimenko 
    • John Overholt 
      Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts, Houghton Library, Harvard University


    • Philip Palmer 
    • Gregory A Pass 
      Saint Louis University
    • Ronald Patkus 
      Head of Special Collections and College Historian, Vassar College
    • Erin Paulson 
      Owner, Erin Paulson Studio
    • Anne Peale 
      Chapin Librarian, Williams College
    • David Pearson 
      Distinguished Senior Fellow, University of London
    • Megan Peiser 
      Associate Professor, English, Oakland University
    • Douglas Pfeiffer 
      Associate Professor of English, Stony Brook University
    • Gregory M Pfitzer 
      Professor of American Studies, Skidmore College
    • John Podeschi 
    • John Pollack 
    • Sara Powell 
    • Leah Price 
    • Michael Pyron 
      Owner, Michael Pyron Bookseller


    • Magalí Rabasa 
    • Henry Raine 
    • Arianna Ray 
      PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
    • Gwendolyn Reese 
    • Sam Regal 
    • Robert Riter 
    • Caitlin Rizzo 
      Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study
    • Ryan Roberts 
    • Erin Robinson 
    • Shef Rogers 
      Associate Professor of English
    • Jordan D. Ross 
      Joint Ph.D. Student - University of Pennsylvania
    • Christine A. Ruggere 
      Christine Ruggere
    • Robert Rulon-Miller 
    • Emily Runde 
      Curator of Medieval and Renaissance Collections, Columbia University
    • Michael Ryan 


    • Jessica Salinas 
      Librarian, Berg Collection of The New York Public Library
    • Mark Samuels Lasner 
    • Floyd S. Sanford 
      Independent Researcher
    • Wyatt Sarafin 
    • Emma Sarconi 
      Special Collections Librarian
    • Irina Savinetskaya 
      Special Collections Curator, Syracuse University
    • Caroline Schimmel 
      Collector of women in America's wildernesses
    • Stephen Schmidt 
    • Alice Schreyer 
    • Molly Schwartzburg 
    • Dr. Oishani Sengupta 
    • Barbara A. Shailor 
    • Joshua Shelly 
    • Anna Siebach-Larsen 
      Librarian and Curator, University of Rochester
    • Noam Sienna 
    • Sócrates Silva Reyes 
    • Daniel J. Slive 
    • Curtis Small, PhD 
      Special Collections Librarian
    • Ronald Smeltzer 
    • Carolyn Smith 
    • American Antiquarian Society 
    • David Solo 
    • Andrew Song 
      U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer
    • Emily Spunaugle 
      Associate Professor, Humanities and Rare Books Librarian, Oakland University (Rochester, MI)
    • Deirdre C. Stam 
      Trustee, Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation of NY
    • Dr Rachel Stenner 
      Senior Lecturer in Literature 1350-1660
    • James E Sterner 
      Metadata, Research and Instruction Librarian, Shippensburg University
    • Roger Stoddard 
    • William P. Stoneman 
      William Stoneman
    • Michael Suarez 
    • Shannon Supple 
    • Hallie Swanson 
    • David Swinford 
    • Donna Sy 


    • Stephen Tabor 
    • Ross Tangedal 
    • G. Thomas Tanselle 
    • Philip Teigen 
    • Lisbet Tellefsen 
    • Archie Thing 
    • Shinichi Toda 
    • Marian Toledo Candelaria 
      Manager for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, University of Virginia
    • CS Tomashefsky 
      Independent scholar
    • Mark Tomasko 
    • Daniel Toner 
    • Roger Trienens 
    • Kyle Triplett 
    • William Tucker 


    • John Unsworth 


    • Kees van Woerkom 
      Owner of Literary Cat Books
    • David Vander Meulen 
    • Lilla Vekerdy 
      Head & Curator, Special Collections
    • Stanislav Voloshchenko 
      Independent Scholar
    • Christina Vortia 
      Rare Books Librarian
    • Stacie Vos 
      Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of San Diego
    • Jackie Vossler 


    • Bettina Wagnrr 
      Director, State Library Bamberg, Germany
    • Celia Walker 
    • Christopher Walsh 
      PhD Student, Rutgers University
    • Michele Wan 
    • Laura Wasowicz 
      Curator of Children's Literature, American Antiquarian Society
    • Michael Watson 
      Owner, 20 Ants Fine Books, IOBA
    • Valerie Wayne 
      Professor Emerita of English, University of Hawaii at Manoa
    • Jeremy W. Webster 
      Associate Professor of English, Ohio University
    • Eric Weiskott 
      Professor of English, Boston College
    • James West 
    • David Whitesell 
    • Mike Widener 
      Rare book consultant for institutions and book dealers
    • Guillermo Wilde 
    • Hazel Wilkinson 
    • Gayle Williams 
      Latin American & Caribbean Information Services Librarian
    • Wesley Williams 
    • Matthew Wills 
    • Alexandra Wingate 
      PhD Student in Information Science, Indiana University Bloomington
    • Michael Winship 
      Retired Professor
    • Kelly Wisecup 
      Professor of English, Northwestern University
    • Elizabeth Witherell 
      Editor-in-Chief, Writings of Henry D. Thoreau
    • David J. Wolf, MD 
    • Heather Wolfe 
      Curator of Manuscripts, Folger Shakespeare Library


    • William Zachs 
    • Mrs. Erin Zamborsky 
    • Christian Zeeman 
      Research Master Student, University of Groningen
    • David Zeidberg 
    • Vic Zoschak Jr. 
      Antiquarian Bookseller