BSA Books

In alignment with the Society’s Equity Action Plan, the Publications Committee is working on revitalizing and restructuring the Society’s monograph publication program. The BSA has taken immense pride in the publishing program since its inception in 1919, but the program has slowed in the 21st century due in part to changes in the business of scholarly publishing. It is time to adjust our publishing model and find new ways to support the Society’s mission of fostering the study of books and other textual artifacts through publications additional to PBSA. Read more

The committee, chaired by Derrick R. Spires, is investigating a number of options and opportunities modeled on those used by peer ACLS organizations and our peer bibliocentric institutions. In addition to exploring potential partnerships with university presses, the committee is also designing a system by which monograph proposals may be submitted for consideration.

In light of this important initiative, the committee respectfully requests anyone considering submitting a monograph proposal to delay their submission until such time as a call for proposals is made. Temporarily suspending consideration of proposals will allow the committee, made up entirely of volunteers, to focus on the task at hand.

The committee will notify members and subscribers to the Society’s newsletter when proposals are once again being accepted. Please check the website or subscribe to our newsletter in the footer for further information.


Books published by the BSA

Scroll down to see a list of books published by the Bibliographical Society of America. To purchase BSA-published titles, please search for their availability at your favorite used book retailer. Some books are available through Oak Knoll Press or another partnering publisher; follow links to purchase.