Committee & Working Group Charges

Want to know what, exactly, the BSA’s committees and working groups do? The Council approves charges for all of these groups, and has the authority to revise those charges as committees and working groups – and the work they do for the Society – evolve over time.

Interested in getting involved? Learn more here.

Follow the links below to read the charges for each committee and working group.

BibSite Editorial Board ↑

Comprised of the General Editor with a team of Editors, the BibSite Editorial Board will receive, evaluate and catalog submissions of content from the BSA community to the BibSite database, the organization’s free-to-use repository of resources for the study of bibliography. In pursuit of this mission, the team will work with authors and outside reviewers to correct and enhance submissions that do not meet site standards, including formatting and technical requirements. The Editors will periodically review, revise, develop and improve the BibSite frameworks and workflows.

The General Editor will also liaise with the Publications Committee and PBSA Editor(s) to seek out and, from time to time, supplement or support BSA publications using BibSite’s tools.

Events Committee ↑

In accordance with its identity as “an international, interdisciplinary scholarly organization that fosters the study of books and other textual artifacts in traditional and emerging formats,” the Bibliographical Society of America pursues its mission “by hosting public programs…and collaborating with related organizations.”

It is the responsibility of the Events Committee to ensure that the BSA maintains an active public profile and supports bibliographical scholarship by sponsoring and co-sponsoring sessions at conferences, talks at book fairs, other public events, as well as initiatives by other organizations, societies, and institutions whose interests align with those of the BSA.

Audit Committee ↑

The Audit Committee of the Bibliographical Society of America oversees the corporate governance, financial reporting, and operational processes of the Society and how results are reported to the membership and the public, including authorized bodies such as the IRS.  In carrying out this duty, the committee also monitors policy for practices and procedures, both financial and operational, for the Society as a whole.

Among the specific tasks the committee will undertake are:

  • Monitoring the choice and implementation of accounting policies (GAAP)

  • Ensuring that regulatory developments related to the accounting and operation of not-for-profit organizations are implemented

  • Assisting with the preparation of IRS Form 990 and communicating it to Council

  • Overseeing the implementation of internal controls of financial and other records of the Society

  • Assisting with the annual audit or review

  • Maintaining a record of the organization’s policies on employment, ethics, records retention and other issues, and recommending updates as appropriate

  • Regular reporting to Council of all these activities

Membership of the committee shall include at least two members of Council in addition to the Chair.  At least one of these three should have formal credentials or experience in accounting and oversight.   Other members may be appointed on the recommendation of the Chair and of the President of the BSA.  The Executive Director and the Treasurer shall be invited to attend meetings in a non-voting capacity.

Events Planning Sub-Committee ↑

In accordance with its identity as “an international, interdisciplinary scholarly organization that fosters the study of books and other textual artifacts in traditional and emerging formats,” the Bibliographical Society of America pursues its mission “by hosting public programs…and collaborating with related organizations.”

It is the responsibility of the Events Planning Sub- Committee to ensure that the BSA maintains an active public profile and supports bibliographical scholarship by hosting events in-person and online in alignment with the Society’s 2023 Strategic Pillars. More specifically, the Events Planning Sub-Committee organizes such events on the behalf of the Society with a budget provided annually by the Council.

Liaisons Committee ↑

The Liaisons Committee of the Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) promotes mutually beneficial relationships and collaborations between BSA and other organizations.

The BSA liaisons plan collaborative events with cognate organizations.

This subcommittee identifies opportunities for new collaborations, especially ones that fit with BSA’s Equity Action Plan.

Executive Committee ↑

The Executive Committee will consist of the Officers of the Society, the Executive Director ex officio, and whatever members of the Council the President chooses to invite. The President will chair the Committee and convene its sessions. The Committee meets quarterly, and with additional meetings scheduled as required.

The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Council in conducting the affairs of the Society between meetings of the Council, notably on matters of: Budgeting; Strategic and financial planning; Interpreting policies and procedures; Setting agendas for Council Meetings; Approving unusual or unanticipated expenditures; Discussing any other issues that may be urgent or important.    

The Executive Committee also conducts an annual performance review of the executive director according to procedures mutually agreed to by the Executive Committee and the executive director.

Fellowship Committee ↑

In keeping with the Society’s mission to foster the study of books and other textual artifacts in traditional and emerging formats, the Fellowship Committee administers the Society’s program of funding scholarship designed to promote bibliographical inquiry and research. Each year a number of short-term fellowships awarded on the basis of merit support projects that may range chronologically from clay tablets and papyrus rolls to contemporary literary texts and born-digital materials. Topics relating to books and manuscripts in any field and of any period are eligible for consideration as long as they include analysis of the physical object – that is, the handwritten, printed, or other textual artifact – as historical evidence. In judging fellowship applications the committee also strives for diversity and inclusivity both in the topics chosen and in the backgrounds or professional roles of researchers.

Working Group for Fellows and Fellowships ↑

The Working Group for BSA Fellows and Fellowships will be responsible for the ongoing promotion of the work of BSA Fellows and outcomes supported by the BSA Fellowship program. To do this, they will focus on the following activities:

  • Working with the Executive Director, design opportunities to share the ongoing work and accomplishments of current and recent BSA Fellows, primarily through the Society’s newsletter but also on the BSA website, social media, and YouTube channel.

  • Maintain easy, occasional contact with Fellows about the progress of their research

  • Report bi-annually to the Fellowship Committee and submit reports to the Council

  • Attend to Fellowships related commitments made in the Society’s Equity Action Plan

Investments Committee ↑

The Investments Committee of the Bibliographical Society of America oversees the financial assets of the Society and ensures the Society’s investments are in compliance with the Society’s investment objectives.  Among the specific tasks the Committee will undertake are:

  • Periodically reviewing the Society’s Investment Policy in light of current economic conditions and the acitivities of the Society, and making recommendations for any changes to Council

  • Assuring that funds are invested in compliance with the Investment Policy

  • Monitoring the funds as deemed appropriate, at minimum on a quarterly basis.

  • Ensuring that documentation is on file to enable transactions within the fund.

  • Assisting with providing documentation needed for BSA annual audit.

  • Regular reporting to the Council of all activities.

Membership of the Committee shall include at least two members of the Council in addition to the Chair.  One of these members shall be the Chair of the Audit Committee.   The Treasurer and Executive Director shall be invited to attend Committee meetings in a non-voting capacity.

Membership Committee ↑

The Membership Committee was established so that the BSA could be responsive to the needs of BSA members, and works in partnership with BSA Council and other Committees to foster an inclusive and engaging community. Our priority is to assess and make recommendations to optimize the membership experience and to maintain a broad and diverse BSA membership.

New Scholars Program Committee ↑

In accordance with its identity as “an international, interdisciplinary scholarly organization that fosters the study of books and other textual artifacts in traditional and emerging formats,” the Bibliographical Society of America pursues its mission “by hosting public programs” and “conferring awards.”

The New Scholars Program Committee is charged with promoting the unpublished research of junior scholars new to the field of book history and bibliography. The committee solicits and reviews applications from early-career candidates with the aim of selecting three scholars to present their work at the Society’s annual meeting. The committee welcomes any research that deals with the creation, production, publication, distribution, reception, transmission, and subsequent history of textual artifacts in traditional or emerging formats (manuscript, print, or digital). In keeping with the values of the Society, the committee welcomes bibliographical scholarship pursuing new methods and new approaches, including applications from candidates applying bibliographical theory and principles to diverse materials and media. In addition, the committee welcomes scholarly submissions that embrace diverse, multicultural perspectives.

Nominating Committee ↑

The Nominating Committee shall propose a Slate of candidates for Council and/or Offices, as needed, to the Society’s membership at the Annual Meeting. The Slate may include members of the Council and/or Officers whose terms are renewable; the Nominating Committee is responsible for confirming such renewals. The Committee’s work is governed by the By-Laws and informed by the Society’s Equity Action Plan, adopted by the Council at the October 2020 meeting.

The BSA seeks a diverse and inclusive board of Councilors and Officers. The Nominating Committee shall actively seek early-career nominees and members of underrepresented groups when developing each year’s election slate.

The Nominating Committee shall consist of 5 members who serve two-year staggered terms. The Chair of the Nominating Committee, appointed by the President for a two-year term, shall be a former member of the Council. Members of the Nominating Committee serve a non-renewable term of two years. All members, including the Chair, may serve a second term on the Nominating Committee after a lapse of four years since the end of their first term. The President and Executive Director serve as ex officio non-voting members.

PBSA Advisory Board ↑

The mission of the Advisory Board for the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (PBSA) is to help the journal establish and meet its goals by offering guidance to the editor(s) in an advisory capacity. The Advisory Board will help the editor(s) in their efforts to reach out to scholars and researchers by offering recommendations for potential submissions and readership, especially for those who work in fields that have not been publishing in PBSA or that do not know of PBSA as a venue. The Board will also assist in finding readers for peer review, and offer guidance on other matters that arise as needed, including the overall direction of the journal. 

Publications Committee ↑

The Publications Committee shall supervise all books, in both print and electronic form, issued by the Society.  It shall have charge of production, content, sales, distribution, subsidiary rights and permissions, and the physical disposition of all books. It shall develop mechanisms and administer subventions for book publication. It shall appoint and supervise a Series Editor, who may be a member of the committee, and it will aid the Series Editor in fulfilling their responsibilities. If the Series Editor so desires, a separate Advisory Board may also be set up.  The committee shall support the work of the BSA Delegate to the ACLS Humanities eBook Program. The Chair shall also liaise with the BibSite Editorial Group and PBSA Editor(s) to seek out and, from time to time, supplement or support BSA publications.