Small Forms in Circulation: Infrastructures, Practices, Publics
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

This conference investigates how the movement of brief, compressed, and otherwise small forms ranging from early modern pamphlets to counterculture magazines shape the development of diverse publics, as well as the interplay between them. Talks will explore the relationship between small textual and material forms and their publics through three related strands of inquiry: how infrastructures affect the circulation of small forms, how practices including remediation enable their circulation, and how the circulation of small forms shapes the formation, operation, and dissolution of public life.
Schedule for keynote lectures:
28 November, 2:30 pm (Central European Time), Keynote lecture, Infrastructures: Sebastian Gießmann, Reader in Media Theory at the University of Siegen
29 November, 10 am (Central European Time), Keynote lecture, Practices: Filippo de Vivo, Professor of Early Modern History, Oxford University
30 November, 10 am (Central European Time), Keynote lecture, Publics: Cait McKinney, Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
Attend in person or enjoy recordings of keynote lectures after the event at
Registration: Contact to reserve a spot.
Made possible with funding from the BSA Events Committee.