PBSA Reviews

PBSA publishes reviews in order to fulfill its mission of sharing current bibliographical research. As such, we aim for reviews that help readers understand the scope and argument of the work being reviewed, situating its significance in terms of relevant fields while always keeping the main focus on the reviewed work. We also aim for reviews written in an accessible and inviting language, even as they might offer critiques of the work at hand. Read more

PBSA reviews scholarly works that focus on bibliographical matters or on any aspect of textual scholarship or history of the book that might be of interest to a bibliographical community. We also review significant catalogs, tools, and reference works (both analog and digital) that are related to these topics. 

Reviews are commissioned by the Reviews Editor either by soliciting requests for current available books or by reaching out directly to a potential reviewer. Reviews are typically 1,500 words long and are processed through Editorial Manager, the platform PBSA uses to manage all of its submissions and manuscripts.

Anyone wishing to review a work for PBSA should consult the list of available items and complete the review request form. PBSA strives to match works with well-suited reviewers, and we limit reviewers to writing one review a year in order to ensure a diversity of voices.

Anyone wishing to review a work for PBSA should express interest by emailing the Reviews Editor at reviews.pbsa@bibsocamer.org. Please identify the work you wish to review and include a note about your experience and expertise. This will help match books with well-suited reviewers. PBSA limits reviewers to writing one review a year in order to ensure a diversity of voices, and requests potential reviewers to keep that guideline in mind.


Review Guidelines ↑

PBSA reviews aim to increase reader awareness of and to evaluate current bibliographcial research. Our guidelines are intended to assist reviewers in writing reviews that are accessible and informative, even as they might offer critiques of the work at hand. A detailed guide to what a review should consist of may be found in our Reviews Guidelines.

Works available for review ↑

PBSA maintains a current selection of works available for review that may be browsed at any time. Anyone wishing to write a review is encouraged to browse the list and to express their interest by submitting a review request form.

Recommend a Book for Review ↑

PBSA reviews scholarly works that treat “the book” (conceived broadly) as a material object, including book and manuscript production, distribution, collecting, and reading in all periods, geographic regions, and media. Works on editorial and textual scholarship are also welcome. We also seek reviews for significant catalogs, tools, and reference works, both physical and digital, related to these topics.

PBSA finds books to review by consulting the catalogs of publishers and scholarly societies, and by monitoring listservs and social media. But we also depend on our members and other bibliographers to recommend books that they have published or have come across. We encourage you to recommend books to us by completing our online form. Please do not mail your book to the BSA office without consulting with the Reviews Editor.

If you have any questions about whether your publication would be a good fit for a review in PBSA, please contact the Reviews Editor at reviews.pbsa@bibsocamer.org.