Membership Dues & Details

When you join the BSA, you become part of a virtuous cycle within the wider bibliographical community. Members’ dues help the Society sustain its programs: employing a full-time Executive Director,  maintaining the digital platforms – like our website, BibSite, newsletter, Zoom, and Kaleidoscope – that make the BSA’s programs accessible, and generally keeping the lights on. In turn, BSA nourishes members’ bibliographical practice through PBSA, BibSite, virtual events, Fellowship and other award programs, and curated membership benefits. 

If you are interested in texts as artifacts, you belong here. Whatever your background or expertise, and wherever you are in your bibliographical journey, we invite your unique experience and perspective to our ranks.

How it works ↑

BSA has an annual membership that runs from October 1 to September 30. Although we cannot offer a rolling membership, we do try to make it flexible enough for you to join or renew at any point in the year:

  • All active members will be reminded to renew in August and September of each year, no matter when they join. Regardless of when you renew, your membership will cover the entire membership year, including any months already lapsed. 

  • All members receive four issues of PBSA (December, March, June, and September). Access to the full archive of the journal online and other membership benefits begin within two business days after receipt of annual dues. If you join or renew in the middle of the membership year, you will receive any PBSA issues that preceded your membership, as well as all subsequent ones.

  • Inactive members lose access to benefits like online access to PBSA and other benefits while your membership is inactive. Once your dues are paid, digital access to the journal will resume within two business days.

Membership dues ↑

Annual membership dues for BSA membership are:

  • $80 for Partner membership: Dues cover the cost the Journal, our meetings, and administration.

  • $125 for Sustaining membership: Help sustain our programs for the future, and support the junior members entering our field.  $45 of your membership fee is fully tax-deductible for US residents.

  • $250 for Leadership membership: Support the growth of the BSA’s programs and membership in person and online, and support our publications.  $170 of your membership is fully tax-deductible for US residents.

  • $500 for Advancing membership: Advance the BSA’s mission and geographic reach. $420.00 of your membership fee is fully tax-deductible for US residents.

  • $50 for residents of Latin America / para residentes de América Latina: This option is available to bibliographers 36 and older living in Latin America. While the Society continues to conduct its business primarily in English, we hope to foster a more global bibliographic community and offer more Spanish-language programs and digital content that meet your needs. / Esta opción está disponible a los bibliógrafos mayores de 36 años con residencia en América Latina. Aunque la mayoría de las actividades de la Sociedad se llevan a cabo en inglés, buscamos fomentar una comunidad bibliográfica más global y ofrecer más programación y contenido digital en español para responder a sus necesidades.

Emerging bibliographers who are 35 years of age and under may join at a discounted $25 annual rate.

Renew your membership ↑

Looking to renew your membership? Thank you for staying with us!

To renew online, please login to your member account and follow the prompts there.

To renew by mail, please download, print, and complete the membership form and mail it to the Society’s office. Complete mailing instructions can be found on the form.

Join or renew by mail ↑

If you prefer to pay your membership dues by check, you may print and mail our membership form with your check at any time to the BSA office. Click the button below to download the form, which contains mailing instructions.

Please make all checks payable to “Bibliographical Society of America”.

Membership benefits ↑

The Bibliographical Society of America seeks to serve its members by crafting a benefits program that meets the needs of a diverse community of bibliographers working across the professional spectrum. In addition to accessing PBSA online, members can sharpen their skills through affordable workshops in person and online and further their research with discounted access to physical and electronic resources.

  • A subscription to the quarterly Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (PBSA) in print and online, including PDF and ePub formats for those that use electronic readers.

  • Inclusion in the BSA’s digital membership directories. The BSA website now features a public and private directory of our members, and active members can choose to appear in one, both, or neither of these. The public directory displays member names, websites, and professional titles, and it flags members interested in speaking opportunities. The private directory also includes a brief biographical statement and email address.

  • The opportunity to apply for a BSA Fellowship or Publication Prize.

  • A 30% discount on all books published or distributed by the University of Chicago Press.

  • Access to a discounted membership at the New York Society Library.

  • Access to a discounted subscription to the ACLS Humanities Ebook Platform for $25/year.

  • Reciprocal membership benefits at the Center for Book Arts (NYC), including discounts at their bookshop, on classes (virtual and in person), and studio/book-making equipment rentals.

Check your membership status ↑

Not sure if your membership is active or lapsed? Log in to our member portal to review your information at the link below.

Tips for logging in:

  • Forgot your password?

  • Don’t have an account yet?

  • Not sure which email address you used to log in? Your account should be linked to the email address where you receive communications from the BSA. Try searching your email inboxes and locating a copy of the BSA Newsletter (don’t forget to check your spam and trash folders!). You should be able to log in with the email address at which you receive the newsletter.

Why join the BSA? ↑

The BSA nourishes members’ bibliographical practice through PBSA, BibSite, virtual events, Fellowship and other award programs, and curated membership benefits. As a BSA member, you can apply for our Fellowships and Prizes, receive our journal, and more.

Members’ dues help the Society sustain its programs: employing a full-time Executive Director,  maintaining the digital platforms that make BSA programs accessible, and generally keeping the lights on. If you want to see BSA continue to maintain and expand its offerings, consider supporting our mission by becoming a member.