Jonathan Senchyne Appointed Associate Editor of PBSA

We are delighted to share with you the happy news that Jonathan Senchyne has been named PBSA Associate Editor and began work with the journal on 1 July. The search committee—PBSA Editor Sarah Werner, BSA President Kinohi Nishikawa, and BSA Executive Director Erin McGuirl—unanimously agreed that Jonathan was the best fit for the position, and we were thrilled that he accepted our offer to join the journal.

Jonathan is Associate Professor of Book History and Print Culture in the Information School at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. There he also serves as Director of the Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture. A scholar of American literary and cultural history as well as book history and print culture studies, Jonathan earned his PhD from Cornell University and has won numerous grants and awards for his research. He is the author of the widely praised study The Intimacy of Paper in Early and Nineteenth-Century American Literature (University of Massachusetts Press, 2020) and is coeditor, with Brigitte Fielder, of the landmark Black book history and print culture studies collection Against a Sharp White Background: Infrastructures of African American Print (University of Wisconsin Press, 2019).

A Word from Jonathan Senchyne

I am honored by the invitation to join the editorial team of PBSA and by the trust given me to shape and grow this important venue for scholarship in our field. I want to thank Jesse Erickson for the editorial vision and vibrancy he brought to the journal, as well as for his assistance during this transition. I look forward to continuing this exciting work with Sarah Werner, a scholar and public thinker I’ve long admired. From my perch as a literary and book historian in a library and information science department, I see students, researchers, collectors, booksellers, artists, and information workers who are deeply engaged in bibliographical thinking, many of whom do not yet recognize their connection with the tradition of bibliography. I hope as associate editor to grow PBSA as a space where people want to publish, read, and teach exciting bibliographical thought covering a diverse range of disciplines, backgrounds, and subjects.