Volunteer on a BSA Committee

Service on a Committee or Working Group is one of the most consequential and rewarding ways for members to be involved in the work of the Society.

The BSA seeks a diverse and inclusive roster of volunteers, and we welcome self-nominations from members of this community to contribute to our mission by serving. Our inter-professional and inter-disciplinary community seeks to continue building our reputation for inclusion, and for diverse and stimulating programming.

Our Committees and Working Groups help to steer the direction of the BSA and the field of Bibliography. By volunteering, you will take an active role in that process!

Committee Openings

The following Committees have openings for the 2024-2026 term of service:

  • Annual Meeting Volunteers – 5 openings (see below)

  • Audit Committee – 2 openings

  • Events Committee – 2 openings

  • Membership Committee – 2 openings

  • New Scholars Committee – 2 openings

  • Nominating Committee – 2 openings

  • Publications Committee – 2 openings

  • Working Group for Fellows & Fellowships – 2 openings

Learn more about the role and current membership of each Committee and Working Group on the BSA website and check out the FAQ below.


How long is the commitment?

Terms of service are three years, renewable once. Individuals appointed to a Committee or Working Group begin their first term following the Annual Meeting in January 2022, serving through the 2025 Annual Meeting. Volunteers must be members of BSA in good standing throughout their term of service.

In order to maintain efficient and effective Committees and Working Groups, not all such groups are able to accept new members in a given year.

If I nominate myself, will I be appointed to a Committee or Working Group?

Not necessarily. We aim to strike a balance across professional, subject expertise, ethnic, and other relevant backgrounds on all Committees and Working Groups. Sometimes there are not enough positions for all who volunteer. Therefore, self-nomination does not guarantee an appointment.

Do I have to be a BSA Member?

Yes, you do need to maintain an active BSA membership to serve on a committee. Find information about our dues levels and membership benefits. If this is financially out of reach for you and you wish to serve on a Committee or Working Group, please reach out in confidence to Executive Director Erin McGuirl. There is always a way!

When will I find out if I’ve been appointed to a committee?

The President will work with Committee and Working Group Chairs to make appointments in the last two weeks of September. You will find out if you have been appointed to a Committee or Working Group and we request that you formally accept your appointment in November 2021.

When will I start serving on a committee?

Terms of volunteer service start in January. Executive Director Erin McGuirl will host an orientation for new volunteers just before the Annual Meeting that will be held on January 27, 2023.

Annual Meeting Volunteers

The Society’s Annual Meeting continues to evolve and in 2023 we seek 5 volunteers to facilitate the event both in person and online. This will be a brief commitment in January and early February of 2023. Volunteers will either (1) facilitate virtual components of the meeting and provide basic tech support on Zoom or (2) attend the Annual Meeting in person in New York and assist with set-up, breakdown, and community building at the meeting. Modest travel funding may be available for people in the tri-state metropolitan area.